Colorado Rules & Legislation

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canine welfare blog

Great Job Rhode Island!

In March, the District Court of Rhode Island became the first of the federal courts considering challenges to retail pet sale bans to issue a decision. In a lengthy opinion on summary judgment, the Court upheld the city of East Providence's retail pet sale ordinance,...

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SB14-039, Preveterinary Emergency Care for Dogs and Cats

This law authorizes emergency medical service providers to provide necessary care for dogs and cats.  First responders usually take care of pets at the scene, but it was illegal to do so. Now it's not! Click to view more information on this legislation →

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HB 14-1146, Prohibit Greyhound Racing

HB 14-1146, signed into law on March 10, 2014 Colorado is the 39th state to ban Greyhound racing. Although the last Colorado greyhound track closed in 2008, new ones could have opened at any time without this legislative action. The reasons behind this bill: At...

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