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canine welfare blog

Florida – victory for puppies and mill dog parents

Winner of the week in Florida? Puppies! The Florida House of Representatives removed the dangerous amendment that would have overridden nearly 60 local laws that stop the sale of puppy mill dogs in pet stores. This is a great development, but the pro- puppy mill side...

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Pueblo Animal Protection Act passed – 2-26-2018

The Pueblo Animal Protection Act was passed by the Pueblo City Council on a very close vote of 4-3 Monday night. The controversial ordinance requires the operators at Pueblo Animal Services to maintain a save rate at above 90-percent. Council members Bob...

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Cook County Ordinance is Upheld!

On May 21, 2015, federal judge Matthew F. Kennelly upheld the Cook County Companion Animal and Consumer Protection Ordinance against a challenge from two area pet stores. The Judge granted the County's motion to dismiss on all claims. The plaintiffs have until June 11...

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