Puppies from puppy stores are from PUPPY MILLS.  Help educate the public about this.

Rally – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  July 6, 20; Aug 10, 24; Sept 7, 21  2019

12020 Melody Dr  Westminster, CO  80234

Join us Saturdays for two hours of give-back for the dogs.  We educate the public about puppy mills and their main outlets (puppy stores and the Internet).  We position ourselves at the parking lot entrance of Puppies N Stuff.  We have good posters and lots of hand-outs.  It is a real upper when we educate someone who then decides that they no longer want to buy a puppy mill puppy from a store and appreciates 3CW’s guidance at better sources of puppies and dogs.  THIS HAPPENS ALMOST EVERY SATURDAY WE ARE THERE.  WE FEEL OUR TIME IS WELL SPENT!

You can just show up.  However, it is better if you will please sign up on Meetup.com   >Animal Action Network > Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare > Pet Store Rally

Parking – Perkins is wonderful and lets us park in a few spaces that face Melody Dr.; be sure you are not in the Super 8 parking lot which is adjacent without much delineation.  Fairfield Inn (1/4 block N) is also wonderful and lets us park in their spaces that are West most and face Melody Drive.  Park N Ride is just South across 120th Street and has endless parking.