Donate to Help End Puppy Mills

You can help end puppy mills. Make a monthly or one-time donation to Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare to help us end abusive and unethical puppy mills.
100% OF YOUR DONATION will be used to educate the public and end financial incentives that promote the existence of puppy mills. We believe that someday our best friends will no longer live in or be mass produced in these horrible conditions! We have no paid staff, so all the money donated supports this non-profit organization’s efforts to promote animal welfare.
Your donation goes toward our mission of ending puppy mills by educating the public and policy makers about puppy mills through billboards, TV campaigns, Facebook and newspaper ads. Your donation also supports our website that receives over 50K visits a year by people looking for a new dog. 3CW research reports about Colorado pet stores and where they get their out-of-state puppies from are also made possible by your contribution.
Our all-volunteer Board of Directors, along with great support volunteers, attend numerous events all year long to spread our message. We work hard to make the dollars stretch, with many professionals donating their time and talent. Our board members also support 3CW financially.
Donate by Mail
To donate by mail, please make your check out to “3CW”, and send it to the following address:
Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare, Inc.
P.O. Box 22978
Denver, CO 80222
In-Kind Donations
In-Kind donations are important for 3CW. Those can be in the form of professional services or other items we could use. In-kind donations are tax-deductible, in most cases, on the donors’ tax return (contact your tax advisor) and add value to 3CW. It is also a great way to advertise your business!
One of the ways that supporters can provide an in-kind donation is through CarEasy. Donate a car through this non-profit organization, and Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare will receive a portion of the car’s value. Learn more here.
For answers to other questions, see our FAQs about 3CW donations here.