Public Education is Our #1 Priority
3CW engages in multiple ways to educate the public. We run billboard campaigns, keep an active website that helps consumers find dogs, create an annual Breeders to Stores report to expose the actual source of puppies sold in stores, rally in front of pet stores and get involved with legislation.
Breeders to Stores 2024 Report/Update
3CW has researched and compiled The Breeders to Stores Report summarizing where all out of state puppies come from and the Colorado pet stores that sell them. This data is useful to consumers to see where puppies in pet stores originate from. It is also used by lawmakers drafting rules and legislation to protect dogs being transported and sold in Colorado. From 2019 through 2022, 90.4% came from commercial breeders (aka puppy mills) who violated standards set by the USDA. That represented approximately 26K puppies!
See the full Colorado report here.
Billboard and Bus Tail Educational Campaign Examples
For the past several years, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare has invested in outdoor advertising to remind the public of the horrors of puppy mills and how to avoid supporting these unethical breeders. Billboards and bustail signage in Denver, Fort Collins and Loveland give exposure to this important message to 200,000 citizens per week.
We want to thank our many supporters for the financial assistance that makes this effort possible. Learn more about how you can make a one-time or monthly donation here.

Pet Store Consumer Protection Act HB-1102-2021
3CW supported and did the research behind the Colorado legislation that requires puppy-selling pet stores to disclose more information to prospective buyers about where their puppies come from.
Working to eliminate retail stores selling puppy mill puppies through city BANS
3CW is working with Bailing Out Benji and other compassionate animal advocates to get city councils across the State of Colorado to pass ordinances to BAN the retail sale of puppies. Retail puppy stores are one of the main outlets keeping the puppy mill business going.
Another outlet is the Internet where puppy mills have beautiful, convincing web sites selling their puppies directly. We work to educate the public that no matter how beautiful the web site is, the conditions the parents live in, that is hidden from the public, are egregiously cruel and noone should be hoodwinked into buying a puppy from a web site.
Rallies in front of retail puppy-selling stores
3CW continues to join Bailing Out Benji to RALLY/PROTEST in front of retail puppy stores. We are committed to getting the word out that retail puppy stores sell puppy mill puppies.
Support for consumers working to find a dog through shelters, rescues or reputable breeders
We maintain a list of shelters and rescues on this web site. This is to assist consumers in finding near-by shelters and rescues they may not be aware of.
We also have some good pointers in how to recognize if a breeder is reputable or a con-artist.
Thank You for Your Support of Our Efforts to Protect Colorado Dogs and work to eliminate the whole puppy mill industry.