Donation FAQs

Q: What is your non-profit status?
A: We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization with a 501(h) IRS Election allowing lobbying, EIN: 45-3532052. ALL donations to Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare are tax-deductible.
Q: Where does my donation go?
Your donation goes toward our mission of ending puppy mills by educating the public and policy makers about puppy mills through billboards, TV campaigns, Facebook and newspaper ads. Your donation also supports our website that receives over 50K visits a year by people looking for a new dog. 3CW research and reports about Colorado pet stores and where they get their out-of-state puppies from is also made possible by your contribution.
Q: What percentage of my donation is used to end puppy mills?
A: Because we are an all-volunteer organization, meaning no board member or executive office holder draws a salary or is paid in any way, 100% of your donation goes toward accomplishing 3CW’s mission.
Q: Will I get a receipt?
A: A year end statement will be sent out by January 31st, so it can be used for tax purposes. Should you request a receipt at any time, it will be sent by email or snail mail, whichever you prefer.
Q: Does 3CW lobby, and if they do, is it legal and an acceptable practice?
A. Yes. Not only is it an acceptable and legal practice within IRS limits, it is necessary! 3CW has an IRS 501(h) Election that allows up to 20% of the expense budget to be used on lobbying for our canine companions. (Your donation will not go to support any candidates or legislators.)